Ich weiß, es ist ein paar Jahre alt, aber Jesus Christus. Wer denkt bei klarem Verstand, dass das eine gute Idee sein könnte? Und warum zum Teufel bekommen wir nicht alle einen Tag Zeit dafür? Wichser.
Like they aren’t already spraying shit in the atmosphere.
IDFarefacists on
I’ll be the doomer and say it doesn’t matter. Technology isn’t going to save us from technology.
Beginning-Bear5362 on
Why won’t they just nuke the air, and just achieve their stupid goal?
wakeupwill on
It only works with gold.
Murky-Resident-3082 on
So if he does it and it goes horribly wrong then do we get to send him into space
Randall_stephens_87 on
They will say they did it. Then say hey look we helped cool the earth cool. All to cover up a bullshit story to begin with and a reason to tax for not reason. Taxes won’t go away though cause they will need that money to help invest in technologies for the future which will just end up in more corporate and personal pockets.
Nikomas89 on
How many times do I have to say this. LEAVE THE WEATHER ALONE! Why do rich people feel the need to mess with EVERYTHING. GEEBUS.
Dear_Profession_645 on
I like to think of him as a demonically influenced man who is out to kill all humans. Period
brutustyberius on
Bill, please take up golf.
No_Fear_BC_GOD on
They are prob already doing it and it’s why literally everyone has allergies now
Cracknoreos on
Why does this scumbag get to do shit like this as if it’s his world and we have to deal with whatever the fuck he wants to do.
Cracknoreos on
He must have some next-level, Epstein intel on everyone in Congress.
Morton_Sledgecock on
Oh, just like they did in the Second Renaissance from the Animatrix?
Cool real life SnowPiercer
Like they aren’t already spraying shit in the atmosphere.
I’ll be the doomer and say it doesn’t matter. Technology isn’t going to save us from technology.
Why won’t they just nuke the air, and just achieve their stupid goal?
It only works with gold.
So if he does it and it goes horribly wrong then do we get to send him into space
They will say they did it. Then say hey look we helped cool the earth cool. All to cover up a bullshit story to begin with and a reason to tax for not reason. Taxes won’t go away though cause they will need that money to help invest in technologies for the future which will just end up in more corporate and personal pockets.
How many times do I have to say this. LEAVE THE WEATHER ALONE! Why do rich people feel the need to mess with EVERYTHING. GEEBUS.
I like to think of him as a demonically influenced man who is out to kill all humans. Period
Bill, please take up golf.
They are prob already doing it and it’s why literally everyone has allergies now
Why does this scumbag get to do shit like this as if it’s his world and we have to deal with whatever the fuck he wants to do.
He must have some next-level, Epstein intel on everyone in Congress.
Oh, just like they did in the Second Renaissance from the Animatrix?