Schwarze Jugendliche, die die meiste Zeit in überwiegend weißen Vierteln einer Stadt verbringen, fühlen sich dort weniger sicher, so das Ergebnis einer neuen Studie in Columbus.


  1. From the Journal of Adolescent Health: [](



    The everyday experience of safety promotes health and successful development during adolescence. To date, few studies have examined racial variation in the spatial determinants of in-the-moment perceived safety.


    Drawing on data from the Columbus, Ohio-based Adolescent Health and Development in Context study (N = 1,405), we consider the influence of intraindividual variability in Global Positioning System–based exposure to both high-proportion White urban neighborhoods and neighborhood violence for the everyday location-based safety perceptions of Black and White youth (ages 11–17) as captured by ecological momentary assessment.


    Exposure to higher area-level violence reduces youths’ safety perceptions. Momentary exposure to residentially White-dominated neighborhoods also reduces perceived safety, but only for Black youth who spend more time, on average, in White areas. In contrast, we observe some limited evidence that White youth perceive greater safety when in White neighborhoods if they spend more time in white neighborhoods on average.


    These findings point to the need for greater attention to in situ experiences in understanding the origins of racial disparities in health and wellbeing. For Black youth, a restricted focus on the consequences of residing in Black segregated neighborhoods may obscure potentially health consequential exposures beyond these areas.

  2. franky3987 on

    I feel like the media/social media has a large hand in how these results come about. Increasing exposure to polarizing new stories/social media posts paints a picture that tends to be further from the truth, statistically.

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