Was geschah mit Kriegserklärungen und Friedensverträgen?


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  1. HooverInstitution on

    In a [new issue of *Strategika*](https://www.hoover.org/publications/strategika/issue-95), [Russell A. Berman](https://www.hoover.org/profiles/russell-berman) considers the role of declarations of war and treaties of peace in modern geopolitics. Noting that these instruments “are by no means exclusively modern phenomena,” Berman draws the conclusion that “wars have begun and ended in different ways, but the expectation of a formal declaration of war is only a twentieth-century phenomenon.” Nowadays, outbreaks of conflict “begin and end in much less formalized ways, indeed so much so that the expectation of formal statements appears anachronistic if not fully obsolete.” Berman concludes by arguing that, if the international legal and diplomatic frameworks supporting peace do not persist this century, “‘Declarations of war’ may go out of fashion,” but “war will not.”

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