Teenager, der einen 6-jährigen Jungen vergewaltigte, zu 16 Monaten Haft verurteilt


Von PoppedCork


  1. hesaidshesdead on

    [He was 13 years old when the offending began and continued until he was 15]

    So he was offending for longer than his sentence.

  2. LucyVialli on

    Whatever about the sentence, what’s really worrying is that the offender still “needs to work on his insight into his offending and victim empathy”.

  3. leecarvallopowerdriv on

    Harrowing stuff. Chap should never see the outside of a padded cell.

  4. RandomUsername600 on

    Very lenient sentence for a very serious crime. 16 months for a lifetime of trauma.

    I don’t care that the offender was ‘only’ 13 when the crimes began, everyone knows it’s wrong to rape. Offending at such an early age is actually more concerning to me because if he’s this bad at that age, what’ll he be when he’s bigger and more street-savvy?

  5. ItsAJayDay on

    This is not the type of person who ever becomes ‘reformed’, they are beyond fucked.

  6. DrunkHornet on

    “[He was 13 years old when the offending began and continued until he was 15]”

    As the parent of the 6year old… I dont even know how you could not just wait for this rapist to be out and beat him untill the brink of death and they have to eat out of a tube for the rest of their life for destroying your 6year olds inocence.

  7. IndependenceLive on

    Shame he didn’t have an cannabis on him. He might have gotten a real punishment.

  8. Christ that’s harrowing to read, I feel so so bad for that child. I genuinely don’t know what I’d do if anything like this happened to my young lad. Being a parent is scary.

  9. What the fuck is wrong with this country, when I was 15 I had no intention of doing this sort of stuff, age is not an excuse

  10. Signal_Relative5096 on

    Judges and these powerful creeps all do this shit themselves so don’t want them sentences being too high for their pals

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