Selenskyj sagte direkt, die Ukraine werde verlieren, wenn der Kongress nicht mehr Hilfe schicke


  1. thisisinsider on


    * **President Zelenskyy warned that Ukraine would lose the war if the US didn’t send it more aid.**
    * **House Republicans have been stalling on a $60 billion aid package for Ukraine.**
    * **”It is necessary to specifically tell Congress that if Congress does not help Ukraine, Ukraine will lose,” he said.**

  2. jews_on_parade on

    wars, especially modern ones, require a shit ton of products, from shoes to bullets. i remember when the united states invaded iraq (the second time) there were constant reports of shortages of everything you could think of.

  3. Loud-Edge7230 on

    I like Zelenskyy, but it’s not necessarily true. But news like this is meant for the average american, so that they put more pressure on their congressmen (and women)

  4. NegativeHoliday1108 on

    You would think mybe one of those European countries with a trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund would Mybe invest in Ukraine.
    Instead of America paying for Europe

  5. Ukraine is going to lose. ^Unless, ^maybe, ^if ^their ^allies ^send ^troops

  6. LemartesIX on

    This was obvious from the very beginning. There is no victory condition for Ukraine and they are running out of people. The funding just delays the war, enriches our MIC, all for the sake of “bleeding Russia dry”, which isn’t really happening. Their economy is rebounding, they have markets for their exports, and they’re outproducing the West in munitions several times over.

    That’s not to say they should just capitulate, but this quagmire isn’t it.

  7. GnolRevilo on

    “Straight-up.” Jesus, who writes these headlines? A teenager?

  8. Guess where are the russians going to put all their effort into.

    The republicans must be celebrating the amount of cash they are going to get from this.

  9. aquastell_62 on

    Johnson is killing Ukrainians by continuing his obstruction of the Aid Bill. These GOP speakers have no issues ignoring the will of the American people US National Security be damned. Time to rid the American Congress of do-nothing obstructionist Russian dictator loving fascist lying cheating racist misogynist right stripping -GOP’ers. Vote Blue in November. Because A Vote for the GOP is a Vote Against Democracy.

  10. MrPoletski on

    They don’t wanna send aid because they want more money for the border at the same time?

    bull fucking shit, you want to stall because you want to help putin win you sad little traitors.

  11. Why does it just have to be the US always? We got our own problems, stop sending our money to Israel and Ukraine ffs

  12. Previous_Film9786 on

    This sounds like a headline from Idiocracy. “YO mufuka straight up said they was gonna lose!” Oh shit!”

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