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Source from the documentary “At the Edge of the Abyss”, subtitled by me.
Not quite as bad as the one of the Russian Strela-10 that goes out of their way to run over a civilian car (I think the driver survived?). I don’t have it saved but I remember it being infuriating and disgusting. Glad these people were able to vacate and flee.
Edit: found it
This is fucked up. War sucks.
Can we confirm that are alive and well? This is just gut wrenching…
That’s heartbreaking
Hope those kids are okay.
“Russian Crossfire” With all due respect, unless there was a Ukrainian soldier behind that car, this is not crossfire, but intentional shooting towards an unidentified civilian car.
I’m only bringing this up, as it would be unjust to consider that this sweet woman and her children, were not purposely targeted, all be it in the heat of war.
This the shit that pisses me off.. way too many civilians, terrible war.
This is just one out of many civilians that got in between the war, even at the early stage assault @ Hostomel airport, the following day, RU soldiers would shoot any vehicles that is visible.
Geniune question. Is this the RU pov. The title is kind of confusing for me to understand but i know that UKR forces wear green, blue and yellow and i have seen some RU with white and red
Russians be like: “So anyways I started Blasting” War is fucked.
This is the issue with both sides using civilian cars…
Sometimes it might ACTUALLY be civilians.
Absolutely soul crushing
I’ve seen so much shit which didn’t faze me but the man crawling around the car hit kind of different.
yeah fuck russia.
It’s so fucking sad. This is such a pointless war and Russia has a lot to answer for.
I remember my friend was caught in the fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania. Was hunkered down in their home and the food ran out. He needed to go shopping! He knew approximately where the sounds of firing (old regime) were coming from, pinning down his whole neighborhood, but he also knew the neighborhood really well, were a low fence with lots of bushes was, so he crawled along there and did get shot at, but it was a rise at that point so the bullets went over him and he got out of there, picked up a bunch of food and crawled back at night. Very difficult times are ahead.
Natural selection at work, its sad, but it is what it is
Mariupol is why America can’t strong arm Ukraine to the table, Trump and Elon should have a watch of these documentarys ..This was at the beginning of the war , Imagine the dog fight the world would see now in Ukrainian citys if America pulls away the aid .. Trumps legacy would be absolute shit stain .
His big mouth had him in a pickle now, and Zelenski is calling bluff ..
Ukraines’ resolve for freedom is beyond the conception of Americans and the West , where freedom simple means increasing ones personal wealth now ..
Absolute crazy footage from this war. Survivors are so fucked when this is over, some will never recover. Sad as fuck, man.
Ukranians killing civilians? I thought they were defending themselves from an invading force. That seems like a war crime to me.