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Joe Rogan is an idiot who has absolutely no clue about Ukraine or even the world.
Joe Rogan lives in a bubble filled with hot air from Russia’s asshole.
If anyone is in Texas and wants somewhere to peacefully protest, I imagine Joe’s studio would serve the cause. I’m sure he’d immediately play it for sympathy and fame, too. lol
He’s a bad actor, too dumb to know it
Apparently, Rogan did not pay attention in his government classes. Nor did he pay any attention to the press releases.
The President is the President until the new one is sworn in, not until a new one is elected. Biden had every right and authority to make that decision at any point and should have allowed it sooner, IMHO.
Biden discussed it with Trump prior to giving authorization, this was purely politeness and not a requirement. Trump gave his express support for Biden taking that leash of Ukraine and allowing them to do it.
“Voted Trump in and his idea to stop all this”
Is the idea in the room with us right now?
Rogan should be deported to Russia
I watched most of this episode with Scott Storch and thought to myself wow it’s nice to not listen to right wing politics and just hear about culture or anything else. Rogan couldn’t help himself and I thought he’d actually cry when he brought up Ukraine and started having a meltdown.
Used to like Rogan. He’s been compromised. Either that or Covid broke his brain.
Big mad
This guy would let Ukraine to get a second holomodor just to please his dumb audience and to make more money over it. War crimes supporter.
Joe Rogan is literally one of the dumbest men alive. He doesnt know anything except kick boxing. Thats it. Thats all he knows.
This is the kind of shit that used to end careers. Now Rogan and all the Russia sympathizers like him in the Republican Party get to sit around and jeer while they watch another country fight for its basic human right to exist. People need to stop engaging with this asshole’s platform entirely.
More like the tail of rat!
Fake ass alpha males sucking Russia dick for money and likes.
There should be a list of everyone who said WWIII right after the strikes were authorized. It was clearly coordinated. Like watching the disinformation network acting in real time.
Who the fuck is even that idiot on the other end of the table?!
The Rogan version of stopping the war is to allow the genocide of Ukrainians.
Russian operative or useful idiot?
It’s hard to tell, but we do know that FSB money was flowing to the idiots, whether they knew its source or not.
Fuck ’em either way; they’re pushing putler’s points.
It’s sadder how many guys hang on his every word on the right. If Zelensky was smart he’d do an interview with him.
I like Joe Rogan, but when it comes to Ukraine. I hate everything he’s saying.