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Shifting tectonic plates are triggering tremors of uncertainty from Beijing to Brussels as President-elect [Donald Trump](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-announces-pam-bondi-attorney-general-pick-gaetz-withdraws-rcna181279) prepares to take office, and the effects could see U.S. priorities diverge from those of its closest European allies in ways unseen in decades.
The incoming administration is likely to pressure European leaders to take a harder line on [China](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/trade-taiwan-now-trump-china-braces-volatile-new-era-us-ties-rcna179070), which it sees as America’s main enemy, but their countries are [economically intertwined with both powers](https://commission.europa.eu/topics/strengthening-european-competitiveness/eu-competitiveness-looking-ahead_en#paragraph_47059) and their interests don’t always align with Washington’s, several European officials and diplomats told NBC News. Were Trump to follow through on his [vow to impose tariffs](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/economics/trumps-authority-impose-sweeping-tariffs-put-test-rcna179848) on imports on Europe as well as from China, they would likely deviate further.
USA and eu should treat China the same and coordinate supply chains away from China in the interests of each other. However, USA and eu should kick Russia out of Ukraine. If trump acts like fifth column for Russia then Europe should tell trump to take a hike
Europe will do our bidding against China or face the consequences including our withdrawal from NATO
I was thinking about this after the election of Trump, too. I wasn’t able to see a EU-China ‘alliance’ a few months back, but with the election of Trump it all seems kinda possible? I wouldn’t be able to vote on a party that would support a foreign policy of the EU moving closer to China before Trump. Now, I’m not sure.
Ukraine is of massive importance to the EU, Trump is planning on materializing the worst-case scenario for the EU by forcing Ukraine to give land to Russia and keeping them out of future defensive securities. Russia is the EU’s priority rival. Trump wants to start a trade war with the EU **and** force a rift between the EU and the UK. Trump wants to support Israel to the max, which will thus continue to destabilize the Middle East. On top of that, Trump’s threat about not defending NATO countries has had deep impact in the European powers. Sure, European powers are now spending more cash on defenses, they also *don’t trust Trump* anymore. And oh yeah, also, Trump wants the EU to take a hard stance against China because *that benefits the US*.
So… if Trump wants to do all those things that hurt the EU… why not get closer to China? If the EU gets closer to China, they might choose us over Russia and the EU could weaken the Russians in that way. If the EU gets closer to China, they might be able to fill up the trade problems the US will create the next 4 years with Trump. Trump has already implied that he wouldn’t want to defend NATO countries, and now that he is going to drop Ukraine *it’s not just a threat that Trump is dangerous for European geopolitical interestsm.* It’s already reality. So it’s not like Trump/the US has the leverage of ‘do what we say or we won’t protect you anymore’ because they’ve already started doing that.
I still hate China, but it does seem like they’re becoming the more realistic and practical partner than the US. Defeating the Russians would be in the interests of the US, too, yet they seem willing to cut off both your noses to spite their own face. How can the EU work with the US, when the US is hellbend on screwing us *and themselves?*
I’m not friends with a suicide bomber for a reason. Risky business, and it ain’t worth it..