Ab 2019 haben Frauen aus den folgenden Gruppen ein durchschnittliches Jahreseinkommen in Vollzeit, das über dem der weißen männlichen Amerikaner liegt:


Von BronzeSoil


  1. alexfrancisburchard on

    My experience is that Turkish women don’t take shit from anyone, so I would suppose that has an effect.

  2. Only-Dimension-4424 on

    What’s the point? It’s American right wing propagandist thing “damn immigrants(mostly non whites) come our country and being richer than us”

  3. tabulasomnia on

    and grass is green and water is wet

    a significant portion of those populations are in the US because they’re skilled workers, not minimum wage burger pushers. that brings up the average.

  4. malperingo on

    Try to add turkish males to this list and see what happens. Most of the turkish females in US are initially funded from their rich ass families. They even get the network to secure a juicy position. However, this is not the whole case. There are still others who work their ass for a living. It just explains why the average is high.

  5. realskramz on

    So putting aside that AEI is a eight wing neoconservative think thank (so obv very biased towards some groups) their conclusion from this is very wrong. Patriarchy doesn’t mean that every men lives great lives and every women suffer handmaiden style in the kitchen. It is about which demographics hold the most power and wealth. Will they show graphs tho of who holds the majority of CEO positions, seats in politics, or the majority of wealth in the US? I very much doubt it.

  6. I’m not sure if such data is available, but if they make the same study to check the average income of American women in Turkey and compare it with average income of Turkish males in Turkey difference would be much more. By my uneducated guess, it would say it is 3-4 fold.

  7. Kaçıncı kuşak göçmen olduklarını çok merak ediyorum, acaba data var mıdır. İstisnalar hariç bugün halihazırda Türkiye’de de hali vakti olmayan birinin Amerikaya kalıcı göç edebileceğini sanmıyorum. Amerikan bir şirketten sponsorluk alabilecek kalitede bir çalışan zaten Türkiye’de de aylık 160bin üzerinde kazanıyordur.

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