Warum wird das geheim gehalten? Warum gibt es nur vage Gerüchte darüber, was sich darin befindet? Bearbeiten: Leute sagen, es gäbe bereits Bilder/Videos von innen. Bitte hinterlassen Sie einen Link, da ich ihn nicht finden kann. Alles, was ich finden kann, sind seltsame Gerüchte über einen [piano/picture of the pope/etc](https://www.businessinsider.com/inside-jeffrey-epstein-private-island-temple-2019-09)

Von blossum__


  1. pumpkinspicetruth on

    Wow, your post was immediately downvoted, despite the fact that your question isn’t one I see everyday, on this sub.

  2. FiveStanleyNickels on

    Probably because it looks just like that strange video of little girls and a fountain that kept getting posted on reddit with the Isaac Kappy story.

    That creepy video was pervasive to all of the Isaac Kappy stories. 

    I think that video was posted the way it was because after everyone viewed it, if it were used against any of the offenders in court, they could claim that the saw the video on reddit. 

  3. dryedmeats on

    The temple itself is unremarkable, yet underneath is where the real deals go down.

  4. Also why have there only been 2 arrests and why is Dick Durbin fighting the release of the court documents?

  5. The internet has a shallow memory. There were pics, nothing remarkable, if I recall it was scaffolding and storage. Pics circulated when the island was drones during the initial FBI raids after his death.

  6. OdettaCaecus12 on

    i heard a bunch of tunnels were filled in and everything interesting has been destroyed/moved.

  7. Because mossad had to clean things up, maybe even take the place over…..probably

  8. TheGeneYouKnow on

    Because there is no inside, it’s a solid mass with no doors or windows, their all just painted on

  9. Because they all protect each other. If we did, it wouldn’t be the real thing.

  10. pumpkinspicetruth on

    OP, is the island patrolled? I’m shocked no one has gone exploring (assuming it’s not patrolled). If it is, who pays for it?

  11. I heard it was immediately filled up with cement when the gig was up.

  12. TryhardNobody on

    Don’t forget he had a huge place in new York and a ranch in new Mexico. Not just an island 

  13. keyinfleunce on

    Thank you for actually asking a good question why can’t we see inside and why is it still security guarded if nothing happens there

  14. lightphaser on

    Maybe because the crimes that were committed there can not be just swept under the rug by paying a blatant sum of 75 million USD, as JPMorgan did. Those crimes will bankrupt someone and it’s gonna explode soon.

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