Okay Gott. Wer schuldet dir hier Geld?


Von BigIrishWilly


  1. Fun-Associate3963 on

    Starting to kick up now here.. my plug is shitting himself the cunt

  2. Look it’s me I’m a protestant sorry. Didn’t think she’d be so annoyed.

  3. StrangeArcticles on

    Will we all light a candle just in case maybe? It’s getting a bit much.

  4. TaxImpossible2434 on

    I picked a bad time to sail to Ireland with my drug shipment 

  5. The mayans and incans used to sacrifice their people on alters to please their god whenever the weather was less than stellar.
    We’ve advanced since then.

  6. Don’t worry folks.
    Summer is coming.
    I hear it is on a Tuesday afternoon this year

  7. Alternative-View7459 on

    One of you fuckers said a prayer to St Anthony and never put the money in the box.

    Own up, do the right thing! Stop making the rest of us suffer for it

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