Anti-Israel-Gruppe plant Pro-Hamas-Kundgebung am 7. Oktober vor dem israelischen Konsulat in Montreal


  1. Brickbronson on

    Good opportunity for police/CSIS to rope as many as possible into joining a false terrorism scheme and rubber stamp the deportation papers

  2. TiredEnglishStudent on

    Disgusting. This is the one year anniversary of Israelis being raped, murdered, and held hostage en mass. Let them mourn in peace. 

  3. DangerousCable1411 on

    Love bringing conflicts on the other side of the world to Canada.

  4. Hot-Celebration5855 on

    The government should ban PYM for being a terrorist front organization

  5. NotALanguageModel on

    One way tickets to ‘Palestine’. I’ll chip in for the tickets.

  6. This is absolutely revolting. They should all be arrested for participating in a hate crime.

  7. Losers bringing hate from their shitty countries over here. Canadians do not support you

  8. darkest_timeline_ on

    Hopefully the police are there adding every one of these pos humans to their terror/watch list

  9. Pro Palestine is not pro hamas. But this is r/canada and the NP, so….

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