Herr Trudeau, wir warten immer noch auf die Namen derjenigen, die gegen uns konspirieren



  1. weatheredanomaly on

    Seeing as he is likely one of them, they’re going to try their best to prevent that from happening.

  2. I think its insane they are pushing the Russia story so hard when we still don’t know the names of the 11 MPs where there is actually evidence they colluded against Canada

  3. Forward_Age6247 on

    You won’t get the names, but there is some great news – interest rates are coming down!1!1

  4. Canadianman22 on

    Those names will not come out under this government since he would lose quite a few of his MPs.

    We know the Liberals are heavily implicated in this since if it was just the CPC or NDP, they would have leaked the list to their news org the CBC a long time ago

  5. TripToPrit on

    Why doesn’t the editorial board of the Globe ask their lapdog Fife for the names? Since they’ve revealed them before, I don’t see why not now… Oh yeah, they’re afraid of getting sued.

  6. The prime minister is not responsible for judicial proceedings.This is squarely on CSIS/RCMP the Crown deciding to prosecute. A PM inserting themselves in the decision would be gross abuse of power.

  7. JRWorkster on

    Do we even have a media in this country? They’d be screaming blue murder if the Conservatives were hiding the names of traitors in our parliament. It’s just unbelievable.

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