[OC] Wartezeiten für familiengesponserte Visa für die USA

Von nytopinion


  1. Petrichordates on

    “I’d support them if they followed the law and immigrated legally.”

  2. A_Mirabeau_702 on

    To put 224 years into perspective, the election 224 years ago was when Thomas Jefferson got in

  3. nytopinion on

    * Sources: U.S. State Department, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | Note: Data was originally compiled in “[Why Legal Immigration Is Nearly Impossible](https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/why-legal-immigration-nearly-impossible)” by David Bier for the Cato Institute. “All other countries” represents the average.
    * Tools used: Observable Plot and Illustrator

    In this guest essay, Jorge Loweree, the managing director of programs and strategy at the American Immigration Council, explains how difficult and rare it is to legally immigrate to the United States:

    “There is *no* line to get into for a vast majority of people who wish to come to the United States,” writes Jorge. “If the government is serious about securing the border, we have to make it easier for people to come through legal channels,” he adds. “For people seeking to immigrate to America to reunite with U.S.-citizen family members already here, the wait times are punishing because the backlogs are ludicrous. Most U.S. citizens petitioning to reunite with adult children can expect a minimum wait of nine years. But for some nationalities, the wait is especially untenable: If someone applied this year to sponsor a sibling from Mexico, they’d be waiting in a line for easily 40 to 50 years.”

    Read the rest of the essay [here, for free](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/opinion/immigration-us-legal.html?unlocked_article_code=1.L04.4qYD.sjmiahZopTYv&smid=re-nytopinion), without a subscription to The New York Times.

  4. so this is for people trying to immigrate who already have families in the US? What about wait times for those who don’t have family in the US?

  5. I know someone who sponsored their parents’ immigration from Mexico, it took several years, but nothing like this. Is this a recent increase or something?

  6. If you don’t artificially inflate the perceived value of being an American citizen people will start demanding things like vacation and free healthcare and we can’t have that.

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