Amazon-Mitarbeiter kritisieren in internen Nachrichten die neue RTO-Richtlinie: „Kann ich mit meinem Manager aushandeln, dass er mir einen PIP erteilt?“


  1. Feisty_Shower_3360 on


    The correction is underway.

    Mark my words, we’ll be seeing the end of quarter million dollar salaries within a few years, too.

  2. meaningseekingsoul on

    How about Amazon trims the upper leadership, including Jassy himself?

    How about putting a dogs collar on upper leadership at Amazon, instead of employees who sacrifice their family come to make upper leadership richer?

    Imagine how many jobs and people you could save for Jassy’s salary of $30M+ annually.

  3. meaningseekingsoul on

    How about Amazon trims the upper leadership, including Jassy himself?

    How about putting a dogs collar on upper leadership at Amazon, instead of employees who sacrifice their family come to make upper leadership richer?

    Imagine how many jobs and people you could save for Jassy’s salary of $30M+ annually.

  4. Red_not_Read on

    *You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken. This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are part of a whole. Thus if an employee has a problem the company has a problem. The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job.*

    Looks like Mr ~~Rhineheart~~ Bezos is using the management playbook from 1999…

  5. MrHoopersDead on

    WAAAAH! I make a really healthy six figure income and my boss requires me to come to work! Waaah! Waaah!!!!

  6. Rule-Expression on

    After reading Andy Jassy’s complete and total bullshit RTO memo I would have quit on the spot if I worked at Amazon. That memo is full of disproven executive buzz and goes on and on about the company without giving much thrift to the people who have generate these mind-boggling profits the past four years. Fuck Amazon.

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