Was ist der Grund für die Entfernung dieses Beitrags?



  1. Dm-me-a-gyro on

    The offender was a child.

    It’s frequently the case that children aren’t given prison sentences.

    So how could an adult woman receive a carceral sentence when a child did not seems pretty clear, doesn’t it?

  2. Its called bullshit leftist censorship of everything that doesn’t follow their political narrative.. Opposing voices aren’t welcome. The entire world has lost literally 80% of its freedom in the past decade due to lies and manipulations of these people. I hate them so much bros. Defend these degenerates and put people in jail for daring to protest.

    Its absolutely disgusting and the entire world should be out in the streets saying enough is enough.. THey have made everyones lives so miserable and expensive tho all they can do is work constantly to try and get by. No one has time to protest… Then is a few years when the native populations have been replaced and subverted no one will ever stand up to the nwo globalists again.

  3. Ok_Jump_3658 on

    Well, it’s Reddit, so the MODS suck, and it’s a German mod, so you know how much they like to “get rid of information”

  4. ketakotzinchen on

    They claim its hatespeech and right wing propaganda since migrants are perfect humans with no bad side.

    Just germany things

  5. mynamejulian on

    You see, when content is being created by fake accounts posting fake stories and are fascist propaganda, a good mod will recognize it. Except here because it’s all welcomed

  6. Just_miss_the_ground on

    Not to detract from the veracity and gravity of this article, but isn’t this old news?

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