Großbritannien verlangt Reisegenehmigungen für EU- und US-Bürger im Wert von 10 £

Von boycecodd


  1. grapplinggigahertz on

    >EU and UK citizens have been caught in increased border formalities since frictionless travel disappeared with the implementation of the Brexit deal at the end of 2020, four years after the referendum. 

    Yes those ‘*Brexit Bonuses*’ keep on paying dividends.

    However nice to see that “*Irish citizens will be exempt*”, the same as they won’t have to bother with the similar ETIAS scheme the EU is introducing.

  2. Minimum-Geologist-58 on

    Probably worth mentioning, because I looked it up out of personal interest, people on the EU Settlement Scheme or with other settled status don’t need to pay it.

  3. Greenawayer on

    LPT: If you get a small boat from France to the UK you can avoid this.

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