[OC] Die Chicago Bears sind das einzige aktuelle NFL-Team, dessen Quarterback noch nie in einer Saison 4.000 Yards geworfen hat. Wird der Pick Nr. 1 Caleb Williams endlich derjenige sein, der es schafft? Ich verfolge seinen Weg zu 4.000 Yards.

Von JPAnalyst


  1. nythnggs4590 on

    I saw last night Brock Purdy has the most pass yards of any 49ers QB somehow?! What’d they teach those boys at college lol

  2. 4oh4_error on

    I don’t know if we are going to see that this year, but it would be neat.

  3. You should add how many games it will take at his current pace to reach 4000 yards tracker.

  4. Flowbombahh on

    Can you create a bar of the “pace” he should be at so we can watch the gap build over time

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