Die Flugzeiten von Anchorage (Alaska) in verschiedene Städte zeigen, warum der Flughafen zu den verkehrsreichsten Frachtdrehkreuzen der Welt zählt.

Von 56sodhi


  1. LiePsychological7696 on

    It’s always unnerving to think of travel over the poles.

  2. bunnnythor on

    Of course half that advantage is scuttled because of not flying over Russian airspace.

  3. CurtisLeow on

    This map helps show that Russia and the US are neighbors. It’s why NORAD was created, so the US and Canada could defend against Soviet bombers flying over the Arctic. The B-2 stealth bomber was designed to fly over the pole, evade Soviet air defenses and bomb Moscow. It’s why there are so many US and Russian nuclear-powered submarines in the Arctic Ocean.

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