Länder, in denen Alkohol im Blut beim Autofahren verboten ist

Von kiwi2703


  1. EwokSuperPig___ on

    It sounds like a good policy and I’d have no issue with them introducing it in the UK but I do wonder if they have less DUI related car accidents

  2. Honestly implement that where I live If you can make sure any test is as sure as it can be that you actually have alcohol in your blood then I’m fine with zero tolerance. No excuse for it whatsoever.

  3. socialPsyence on

    I’m pretty sure that in Iran (and perhaps a few other muslim-majority countries pictured here) that it’s illegal to have any alcohol in your blood under any circumstances.

  4. winkydinks111 on

    I spent a few weeks in Nepal years ago

    This law is definitely NOT something followed closely

  5. BitterAnalyst2288 on

    Surprised about Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. Only ones from Europe that I can tell.

  6. LupusDeusMagnus on

    I feel like having zero tolerance is just a reasonable thing. Either you drink, or you drive. No making calculations on how much you drink and how fast your metabolism processes it, it is just baiting people to drink more than they should.

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