Ehemalige Lehrerin mit Berufsverbot belegt, nachdem sie als stellvertretende Grundschulleiterin ein Kind vergewaltigt hatte

Von ClassicFlavour


  1. alsarcastic on

    We should probably vilify an entire profession now, based upon the behaviour of a single individual.

  2. PeteMaverickMitcheIl on

    All teachers should be re-vetted immediately

    The private WhatsApp messages of all teachers should be seized and reviewed for any offensive memes shared between friends and family members

  3. Lower_Possession_697 on

    That article reads like it was generated by a malfunctioning knock-off version of ChatGPT.

    Or whatever the human equivalent is.

  4. DebraUknew on

    She was at my friend’s son’s school . Those sending photos of some of the school kids to him, that appeared innocent – something was potentially being planned then I bet .

  5. Hellen_Bacque on

    There seems to be an increasing number of these cases involving women teachers, it’s disturbing

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