LGBTQ+-Aktivisten: Trudeau sollte zurücktreten, um Poilievres Wahlsieg zu verhindern


  1. BuvantduPotatoSpirit on

    She doesn’t suggest who could replace him (the activist in the article).

    Without a plan for that, I don’t see it mattering.

    It’s an interesting question, who could replace him, *would want to*, and *would make a difference*?

  2. JefferyRosie87 on

    theres a lot of hate towards Trudeau but the people actually hate the policies and the outcome of those policies. just switching the face of those policies isnt gonna change a thing aside from making the “f Trudeau” crowd look silly until they take their stickers off.

    weird that this author thinks we live in some tsarist regime like russia where the most important thing is the face of the party

  3. t1m3kn1ght on

    The comparisons to Biden and his administration aren’t equivalent and I’m getting tired of people pretending like both our and the US political situations are analogous. Biden’s lack of popularity stemmed from retention of his old guard policies combined with the fact that he was just plain old and it showed on the campaign trail.

    Canada is not in election mode yet, and the reason for the backlash against Trudeau isn’t just against his person, but against the entire LPC and NDP supply and confidence regime. It’s not a personality problem at this stage as much as it is people hurting in real time from bad government policies and rightly so. The polling says as much. We have a vote out rather than vote in political culture since our governments have this historical habit of falling into complacency the longer they are in office.

  4. amnesiajune on

    The Liberal Party is a sinking ship right now. It may not make a difference in the end, but getting into a lifeboat is better than sitting on the deck and insisting that everything is fine.

    When Justin Trudeau’s response to the steel worker from last week is “have a nice day” instead of “I cut your income taxes by $900”, you know he’s way past his expiry date. His “that’s what elections are for” quip makes me wonder if he’s so oblivious that he actually thinks he could win.

  5. internetisnotreality on

    Singh should step down.

    Nothing against him, but if he’s not picking up the slack lost by liberals than he’s not who we need.

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