Rechtmäßigkeit der Weitergabe einer doppelten gelben Linie in Nordamerika [OC]

Von Smacpats111111


  1. You-Seem-Confused on

    Seems like you’re missing a good chunk of North America. This is just the United States and Canada unless I’m the one missing something…

  2. Am Ontario resident, can confirm, uncles a cop and told me when I was a kid we’re the only place that allows it.

  3. AbstractUnicorn on

    OK, had to look that up 🤣

    In the UK double yellow lines are for a no-parking restriction and are painted on the road at the kerb. We use solid white lines in the centre of the carriageway to indicate where you can’t overtake.

  4. The PA OH issue is likely due to the amish using public roads with their horse driven carriages.

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