Die BBC erwirbt über 1000 Episoden der legendären japanischen Anime-Serie One Piece


Von Skavau


  1. Original_Success3895 on

    Better not be taking this off other streamers and locking this behind your sodding TV license BBC.

    Edit: Reads articles and realises these are the English dubbed versions and not the original voices.

    Ewww the BBC can keep them subbed One Piece is infinitely better. As you were.

  2. Interesting choice by the BBC. I wonder if this is aiming for the younger market who seem to love Manga and Anime these days.

  3. quickshot89 on

    Still would rather just sub to crunchy roll and enjoy the original VA. It’s vastly cheaper than I expected too

  4. For those curious on how long this would take to watch the whole thing, just to catch-up:

    The show currently has 1,116 episodes ([Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Piece_(1999_TV_series)))

    Most anime’s are roughly 23 minutes long per episode, but that includes opening and credits, etc. So lets say you cut those out, so you have roughly 20 minutes an episode.

    At 20 mins X 1,116 you get 22,320 minutes or 372 hours, or 15.5 days of none stop watching.

    Lets say you watch the show for 4 hours a day for as long as possible to catch up, it would take you 93 days, or roughly 1/4 of a year to watch the whole series, and it hasn’t even finished yet.

  5. I feel like, in the spirit of One Piece, you can’t possibly pay the TV licence and watch this.

  6. Careful_Bid_6199 on

    Wonder if they’ll attempt another dub like they did with Lum xD

  7. Ryanhussain14 on

    Japan getting second place for cultural victory in the 2020’s was not on my bingo card.

  8. anaughtybeagle on

    Knowing the BBC they’ll have series 4 and 7 available to watch, and nothing else.

  9. Duanedoberman on

    They should look at purchasing some Chinese dramas, especially historical. They have really caught up in production, cinematography set, and costume design over the last decade or so and are setting records for audience size in Asia and on streaming services throughout the world.

    Beats competitive sewing.

  10. Overstaying_579 on

    This is a clear indication that the BBC are getting desperate now to get younger generation back.

    It’s like some BBC executive went said: “How are we going to get youngsters back to paying the TV license again?” and some other BBC executive said: Well, anime is popular. One Piece is a very popular anime so just shove it on iPlayer.” “Besides, It might boost our statistics and increase profits.”

    That bloody television license really needs to go. Being forced pay £170 a year just watch any form of live television, regardless of where it’s broadcasted from is stupid and the content at the BBC provides is barebones now compared to what it was in the 1990s and early 2000s.

  11. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    I recall watching One Piece dubbed on what used to be Toonami on Sky back in the mid-2000s. I could see the potential as a kid but the humor and quality of voice acting just sounded off. Then having the chance to watch it subbed with the original Japanese voices and zero censorship it’s like a totally new show. Would be keen to see what this modern dubbed version will be like

  12. Time007time007 on

    There’s stuff in One Piece that I’m not sure the woke police at the BBC know they’ve got themselves in for…

    Like the King of the Queers and Sanji’s perverted lusting over women.

    Be interesting to see if they censor it. I would bet that they will in some way.

    I think it’s all fine and works with the humour that One Piece establishes. But BBC is so boring and woke they I can see it being an issue for them.

  13. sailorsuitmachine on

    Anyone know the quality of the dub they are using for this release?

  14. Shadow-sight on

    I’ve watched 500 episodes of this show and I’ve not even seen half of it

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