Hub Exclusive: US-Botschafter sagt, Kanadier konsumieren „ungesund“ viel amerikanische Nachrichten
Hub Exclusive: U.S. Ambassador says Canadians are consuming an ‘unhealthy’ amount of American news
Hub Exclusive: US-Botschafter sagt, Kanadier konsumieren „ungesund“ viel amerikanische Nachrichten
Hub Exclusive: U.S. Ambassador says Canadians are consuming an ‘unhealthy’ amount of American news
couldn’t agree more, I remember when Trump was in office, people were shouting in public that they want the Wall as well to block illegal immigrants from Mexico…
they were so angry and passionate about it lol made me laugh, never would see these folk that passionate about Canadian issues tho
Hear, hear.
Quite possibly the most obvious psy-op program in existence is to Americanize Canada. They need our water, we are flooded by their politics and behaviours, we’re subservient to them for almost everything, they need population growth, and an easy war they can win quickly and efficiently.
Yes, this highlights the real source of foreign influence.
Besides Xi and Putin, can Canadians name any other Chinese or Russian politicians? However, when it comes to the United States, most Canadians can easily list half a dozen current politicians and a dozen or more historical American figures. In fact, many Canadians may know more about US current events, politics, and history than about about Canada.
They blocked access to our news so corporations make more profit letting misinformation spread like wildfire, the US is our biggest trade partner and our markets are directly tied, Canada is just an extraction vessel for US corporate interests, it’s not crazy when the lines blurring our countries is very little and we lose all our best talent to them and do everything they ask, today we cannot trust any corporate media from the west.
They are both in bed with capitalism and the current genocide, human values are changing, the ecology will force their hand to fix this unequal hellscape.
Yea, it’s everywhere. My newsfeed on YT is cancer right now. I can only keep blocking so many!
You only need to look at our activists to see this.
Convoy truckers were screaming about the second amendment as if they were living under the US constitution. BLM protesters acted like we weren’t where the slaves escaped the US to for a minute a couple of years ago. Palestine protesters are currently acting like we are the US and have any sway with Israel. WAY too many people think we live in the US and need a geography lesson.
It’s possible Canadians are just consuming too much news.
Remember when the news was something you watched for an hour a day? Then if you wanted to discuss it with somebody, you had to talk to an actual human being face to face. Not hide behind a keyboard.
No shit. The entire propaganda populist conservative movement in Canada is fueled by republican shit rags from down south. Often with bullshit Canadian offices only to capitalize on the Gov of Canada subsidies. CBC is the last real Canadian news source, and its why they are laser focused on destroying it.
Um yeah. Because we are blasted with it everywhere we look
The fact that I have friends who are Trump supporters is mind blowing.
It’s more entertaining