Um die Wohnungskrise zu lösen, müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass die Regierung wieder Wohnungen baut. Um die heutige Wohnungskrise zu lösen, sollten wir uns ansehen, wie Kanada die Wohnungskrisen der Vergangenheit erfolgreich bewältigt hat, und das bedeutet, nicht marktgerechten Wohnraum zu schaffen.


  1. GameDoesntStop on

    In housing crises of the past, simply building a bit more was an actual viable solution, because the problem then wasn’t absurd population growth.

    We have a simple solution to reverse the current housing crisis we have now: return to sane immigration levels.

  2. prob_wont_reply_2u on

    In Ontario, growth of 1 million people has historically been 8-10 years. The last million took 5, the next million looks like it’s only going to be 3.5 years.

    There is no way to catch up no matter who does the building.

  3. HonkinSriLankan on

    Yes let the govt build houses. What could go wrong? Maybe the ArriveCan app guys can help.

  4. Yes, municipalities/provinces should build quality housing close to transit hubs. Build transit as well. Housing shortage is also a transportation issue.

  5. 6 Billion dollars a year in oil and gas subsidizes might come in handy!

    Our taxpayer money used for fossil fuel subsidies could go to more valuable projects, such as building more homes, just as the federal government used to do until the early 1990s.

  6. Regular_End215 on

    Ah yes, the government is known for building things effectively, efficiently and within budget.

    Or… they could stop letting municipalities tax the absolute hell out of new construction?

  7. lilbitcountry on

    Absolutely not. My taxes are high enough already, I’m not paying to house massive waves of new Canadians or to bail out a bunch of empty nesters in 3,000 sqft houses that refused to allow new housing builds.

  8. Strange-Cicada280 on

    The government solved the housing crisis after the war because they had a bunch of highly motivated killers, who had been trained to just work and get the job done, return from fighting. So, at all levels, these projects were done by men with military training, and experience giving and taking orders. They were used to 12-hour days, and, since they weren’t getting shot at or ducking incoming artillery, most men probably considered it easy work. Certainly easier than the job they just got done doing in the mud and the rain and the shit.

    Those circumstances don’t exist today, and most enterprises look at government contracts as a gift from God, and a way to milk the tax-payer teat for all it’s worth.

    That’s why this scheme wouldn’t work today. We don’t have the same work ethic or calibre of person to lead these projects.

  9. Canada wasn’t importing 1m+ people per year in crisis’ of the past though.

  10. AntiClockwiseWolfie on

    No shit. Our housing situation was largely created by greed/runaway capitalism, paired with open borders. We all talk about immigrants here now, but two years ago we were talking about the foreign investors buying up properties and pricing us out. The government wanted to open the door to development, like we had in the early days of Canada. Instead, we got a bunch of foreigners buying existing properties and hiking up rates.

    We need to elect a government that will build affordable housing, and isn’t afraid of legislating in the interests of Canadians, against orthodox free market values. And we need to stop whining about things that vaguely resemble socialism, as if the God of Capital will smite us for our heresy.

    The only people who will disagree with this is the people profiting from the system.

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