Erstes Interview eines ukrainischen Soldaten nach russischer Gefangenschaft


  1. Animus_Jokers on

    With all the stories of Ukrainian POW’s just being shot, tortured to death or otherwise, I’m surprised there are still prisoners being released from the start of the war.

  2. WannabeGynodoc69 on

    That guy is on fire, it must feel like a dream for him. A little spasibi instead of djakuju slipped into his speech. He might be one of those who were beaten for speaking in Ukrainian

  3. Metron_Seijin on

    2 and a half years of daily abuse and torture, all for having the audacity to defend your country from an invasion. 

    I have no sympathy for the invader, who is made up of everyday russians, and not aliens, robots, or putin clones. Its russia’s war, not putin’s.

  4. Are the any public figures around how many Ukrainians are in captivity currently?

  5. FirmResearch6592 on

    Back to the front! Poor fellas are probably all dead already, what a shame.

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