Privatunternehmen legt „Konzeptpläne“ für neues Terminal zwischen den Start- und Landebahnen des Flughafens Dublin vor

Von OldVillageNuaGuitar

1 Comment

  1. OldVillageNuaGuitar on

    I’m not so sure that the planning system should facilitate entirely speculative plans, which by the landowners own admission they have no plans to actually build.

    The arguments around the passenger cap as a reason for a third terminal also seem silly. The issue there is a planning one, Fingal could hypothetically remove the cap whenever. You also have the issue that the cap is originally about road access (although now obviously it’s taking on some emissions aspects). Unless you’re satisfied that there’s enough road capacity on the other side (i.e. via some new link to the M2) that this terminal will hook up to, then it doesn’t do anything for that.

    Previous plans that were public hadn’t even included major road access from that side, the infrastructure on the far side of the existing apron was to be served with some sort of people mover from the existing airport area.

    Out of curiosity, are there many examples of private terminals elsewhere? I was under the impression that most places with “private” terminals were an airline’s terminal.

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