Ich bin bei IKEA in Australien! Ist das eine echte schwedische Süßigkeit? Sie ist lecker!


Von brusselsproud


  1. Tankeverket on

    Yes! We call them “dammsugare” (vacuum cleaner) because they’re shaped like old-time vacuum cleaners.

    One of my personal favourites

  2. Sashamesic on

    Had one yesterday, they are even better if you have it together with a cup of coffee.

  3. Yeah it’s one of my two go tos. I like the other one, Arraksboll, more.

    Arrak is what is used for flavour in them (the more common Swedish variant called Punsch is basically Arrak watered down to 25% with sugar added).

  4. TheRealFleppo on

    Yes, they are made with the leftovers on the floor from the bakery

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