Landesmindestlohnkarte (2024)

    Von como365


    1. Marcus_Qbertius on

      Depressing fun fact, the state of Georgia has an official minimum wage of $5.15, its poor workers only avoid being paid that little because federal law prohibits states from actually setting it lower than the federal minimum of $7.25. Georgia would absolutely reinstitute slavery if they could,but settles for the closest they can legally get to it, thats also why medicaid there has a work requirement.

    2. komhstan13 on

      New Hampshire being 7.25 is absurd considering they rank top 10 on the cost of living index.

      Also really happy Virginia is now 12.00, it was crazy that until mid 2021 their minimum wage was 7.25 statewide, despite several counties being among the most expensive in the country (Fairfax & Loudon county & Fall Church)

    3. Less_Likely on

      Washington has a law that minimum wage automatically raises every year per Consumer price index. The first version was passed in 1998, I believe it expired after 2015. then in 2016 voters approved another law that increased minimum wage about $4 over 4 years then again was tied to the consumer price index for automatic yearly increases.

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