Warum trägt der Anführer einer der mächtigsten Banden Haitis eine Freimaurerhalskette?

Von Hackars


  1. FabiusTheDelayer on

    Do you really want to ask us why the Fabian society is doing what they are doing since 1900??? lol

  2. whobenefitsss on

    The same reason any of the hidden hand puppets have worn the symbols. 

  3. Because he found them or was given them and thinks they look cool. “The Hidden Hand” at work indeed

  4. featherpaperweight on

    Cause they it, who do you think supports the overthrowing of governments? The pattern is everywhere. “for those with eyes to see” or whatever bs, it’s right on the nose.

  5. dim-mak-ufo on

    for the same reason y’all making these questions, to distract, deliberately or not

  6. ApplicationWild7009 on

    It’s not a slip-up, it’s on purpose. Either to laugh in our faces or to communicate to their decipals around the world that the situation is ‘under control’.

  7. Severe_Quantity_4039 on

    He’s the designated ring leader to cause chaos…and promised he could join the “club”

  8. gamingthreadlurker on

    Because his boss installed him on purpose and he likes to screw his own people over.

  9. Because you can probably buy fake jewellery super cheap out there as people are selling it to survive. He probably just bought it thinking it was cool not knowing the symbolism behind it. He’s certainly not a Mason.

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