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  1. Oldmanstoneface on

    I demand on behalf of the international community that Chile be granted an honourary Capybara.

  2. Laura432Walker on

    Indeed, it’s as crucial as remembering to charge your phone before a long road trip! Can’t risk running out of battery in the middle of nowhere.

  3. isevlakasX007gr on

    i hate these animals (before y’all downvote me to hell let me remind you that this is MY opinion and I am not trying to spread hate on the internet or make anti-kapibara propaganda because I hate these stupid ugly animals so much.)

  4. Salt_Winter5888 on

    I know that in Guatemala we do have Capybaras in our national zoo.

  5. green-turtle14141414 on

    Oh gosh the comically long capybara has invaded russia!!!!!

  6. Drinker_of_Chai on

    Maps with New Zealand but at what cost.

    Wonder what our new climate will be like off the coast of Western Australia.

  7. Not quite a capybara but England had a wild population of 200,000 coypu until the 1980s.

  8. that’s going to great for the Warriors when Perth gets its NRL team lol

  9. beefstewforyou on

    I always imagined that capybaras would talk like Nigel Thornberry.

  10. Waste_Customer4418 on

    Look at that green, and there we are ruining the complete green with black.

  11. Ride_cymbal on

    I already saw one in a park near my house… 🇧🇷


  12. As a Costa Rican I’ll move that bar half centimeter up north, since they are not only present in the south but also in the northern mountains of Costa Rica.

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