In Kalifornien leben DREIMAL so viele Menschen wie in Ontario, allerdings gibt es in Ontario 54.000 mehr Obdachlose.
Zahl der Obdachlosen in Ontario 2018: 21.000.
Anzahl der Obdachlosen in Ontario 2024: 234.000. – Quelle
Mehr als eine Verzehnfachung in 6 Jahren. Sowohl Justin Trudeau als auch Doug Ford sind für diese Katastrophe verantwortlich.
Kanada ist auf Schiene bis 2024 über 500.000 neue dauerhafte Einwohner hinzukommen, während die landesweite Wohnungs- und Gesundheitskrise anhält.
Von External-Noise-4832
ooof. cold.
Wait, so what is The Trilliums source?
The source the California stats is at least from research institution, but even that is a little dubious.
At least provide direct official stats for each.
EDIT: FFS, the link provided even calls it an ‘unofficial estimate’. Get out of here with this speculative shit. If I’m going to trash Trudeau it’s going to be with hard facts.
Bad spending that dose not benefit the economy that will put us into interest payment loop de loop hell .. something all these bond holders are rooting for with a un backed fiat currency …. 🤔 almost like it was orchestrated that way … I wonder how many bonds the Trudeau foundation holds onto too? Trudeau in for a big bonus for blowing up Canada’s economy once he leaves office and retakes his position in the fund?
Why is Canada so frail?
The government of Ontario estimates nearly a quarter of a million people — roughly three of every 200 residents — are homeless, according to information contained in a housing ministry document.
The number is about nine times higher than the auditor general’s most recent estimate, and still likely drastically undercounts the true number of people experiencing homelessness in the province, experts say.
[Canada]( will welcome 485,000 newcomers through permanent resident pathways by the end of 2024. This target is set to rise to 500,000 in 2025 and stabilize at the same target for 2026.
Canadian food banks are on the brink: ‘This is not a sustainable situation’ – [CBC](
Canada ranks seventh for dollars spent on foreign aid, according to the OECD. the organization released its analysis of aid spending in 2023. It shows Canada spent just over US$8 billion in aid last year. – [CTV](,their%20first%20year%20in%20Canada)
I hate Trudeau as much as the next guy, but ffs where is the conspiracy?