Polen sollte 300.000 Soldaten anstreben, sagt ein Beamter


Von dat_9600gt_user


  1. Active-Tonight-7944 on

    Waiting for that day when I will see the news, `country x should aim for a 300,000 strong researcher`, that will change the mankind.

  2. xXxXPenisSlayerXxXx on

    As a German, I am really happy to see my Neigbours build up their army to defend european values, cuz you cant count on the German Bundeswehr in case of a conflict, our army is a running laughingstock, shortly behind Russia and North Korea.

  3. dat_9600gt_user on

    >**Poland should aim to build a 300,000-strong army with a focus on strengthening its reserves, the head of the country’s National Security Bureau (BBN) has said.**

    >Jacek Siewiera added this figure would “not be easy to reach in the coming years.”

    >However, he said it would be realistic if Poland makes use of active reservists and reserve personnel who have completed basic military training.

    >The BBN chief argued that Poland has the demographic capabilities to reach a 300,000-soldier army, but from a financial perspective, priority should be given to strengthening the reserves.

    >He said that a reservist who has undergone training and is prepared for service “costs the least.”

    >According to data from mid-July quoted by Siewiera, the Polish military, whose strength was estimated at 216,100 personnel, was the third largest in NATO after the U.S. (1,300,000 troops) and Turkey (481,000 troops).

    >Source: Polska Agencja Prasowa

  4. I’m just very interested in learning how the fuck they want to have 300k people in the military without reopening conscription.

  5. Not seemingly very doable without conscription. 300k is roughly the size of the French army and they have double the population.

  6. Common_Brick_8222 on

    Considering the current times, this is a pretty good idea.

  7. Soap_Mctavish101 on

    France, Germany and the United Kingdom should be aiming for similar numbers. I know they probably won’t but they still should.

  8. Le-Watermelon on

    Overall Poland becomes more and more the peek EU country… I really consider moving there but the language is hard to learn.

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