29-jährige Mörderin, die wie ein „verrücktes Tier“ aussah, als sie ihren „Sugar Daddy“-Liebhaber erstach, „nachdem ihm das Geld ausgegangen war“, wurde zu 25 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt


Von je97


  1. Original_Success3895 on

    Ooh. The people who posted the men murdering women Guardian post in this sub an hour ago aren’t going to like this post one bit.

    I had this little gem below sent to me:

    >Okay. It’s unfortunate that some men feel that way. I’m sorry that they feel upset when people talk about male violence against women, but it’s an important issue that can’t be dismissed just because some men feel victimised when we talk about it.

    Well I’m sorry if this post makes some women feel upset but female on male violence is an important issue that can’t be dismissed just because some women feel victimised when we talk about it.

    Edit: Downvotes? Talk about double standards in the logic department ladies! Perhaps with a bit of self reflection you’ll come to the conclusion that misandry is just as wrong as misogyny.

  2. ObeyCoffeeDrinkSatan on

    Female violence against men isn’t talked about enough or taken seriously enough in our society.

  3. corbynista2029 on

    I had a picture of a 29yo woman killing a man by herself, but

    >She had invited her friends David Webster, 43, and Thomas Whiteley, 33, over for a night of ‘drinking and drug-taking’ but the evening suddenly turned nasty with Harris and Webster attacking Mr Wilcox with a knife and a vodka bottle.

    Looks like it’s two people overpowering an old man. Absolute scum of the Earth and glad they are locked up forever.

  4. Tola_in_Teal on

    I see dailyrag maintains the shit stirring standards – had to emphasize the killer was female… lol.

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