Ein Boeing-Whistleblower sagt, er sei kurz vor dem Abheben aus einem Flugzeug ausgestiegen, als ihm klar wurde, dass es eine 737 Max war



  1. Aren’t there thousands of 737 Max 8 flying every single day? With no incidents since the crash?

  2. sac_cyclist on

    Nothing to see here I just got off of a Max. I love that plane, course I was able to walk away from the landing so my opinion may be a bit skewed.

  3. PoetryandScience on

    If it’s Boeing, I’m not going.

    This manufacturer had built in a new system that could dominate the autopilot and pilot and had an avoidable vulnerable single point of failure. When it crashed and killed a lot of people, the company took up the standard legal position of blame the pilots (they after all are dead). The company deserves all the slaps that it gets one thinks.

  4. RedditUser888889 on

    I had convinced myself the Max line was OK to ride on after the MCAS crashes because the pilots would be trained up and they don’t want to die. But after all the other happenings, I don’t need a whistleblower de-boarding to convince me to do the same. At this point I’m waiting for *any* good news to come out of Boeing.

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