Das Arbeitsmarkt-Paradoxon: Kanada scheint einer Rezession entgangen zu sein – warum ist es trotzdem momentan so schwer, Arbeit zu finden?



  1. jameskchou on

    Because you’re competiting with 1000s of applicants from two year college programs

  2. roflcopter44444 on

    Because big business saw workers having negotiating power during the pandemic and vowed to make sure that never could happen again.

  3. CupHalfEmptyGamer on

    Seems a bit optimistic to claim we missed one, more like currently suppressing one with bad habits and addicted to unsustainable growth.

  4. R0n1nR3dF0x on

    Avoided a recession by supporting GDP growth through mass immigration, even as per capita GDP has been in decline for years. Was it worth it? Absolutely not.

  5. Any-Beautiful2976 on

    Because we took in too many people in 2 years, not enough housing and not enough jobs to go around.

    Job paradox indeed.

  6. Classic-Animator-172 on

    Gee, I can’t seem to put my finger on it. I know it has nothing to do with the massive increase in immigration. If only there was a study of some kind to explain this. And preferably, a study done by the Trudeau Liberals because they are always so unbiased and transparent with the info they put out.

  7. Too many temporary workers hired for jobs that could and would be held by canadians if they’d give 2-3 buck more per hour. Cost them more to have the temporary workers but theh don’t quit when the going gets tough.

  8. Imagine you have 100 people with one dollar each, now add 15 more people to that economy but reduce everyone’s livelihood to 0.9 dollars instead as everyone gets poorer due to bad decisions.

     115 * 0.9 = 103.5. 

    103.5 is greater than 100. 

    So yes, technically this fictional economy is bigger but the individual is worse off. This is happening right now here in Canada.  Bad decisions harmed everyone but the damage was offset due to more people.

  9. Because they didn’t. Artificially inflating economy with immigrants is not dodging a recession.

  10. Dontuselogic on

    Automation killed a giant section of entry lvl.jobs..amd not one god damm article ever points that out

  11. Acrobatic-Bath-7288 on

    Lol no one believes the lies anymore this is the new era of media manipulation.

  12. Pale_Change_666 on

    Ah yes rate cuts by the central bank is a sign of dodging recession…

  13. BadInfluenceGuy on

    Dodge a recession, with this much inflation. Your essentially in a prolonged recession that we’ve all agreed to ignore at a fundamental level. The job market is thriving, for minimum wage. If we only took jobs that paid higher than 45k I think the picture looks alot more grim in terms of job creation and availability. The middle class is slowly getting wiped out, but that seems to be predicted with AI replacement.

  14. Because they “dodged” it by stimulating the economy with an ungodly amount of immigration. They have more demand than they need in most industries as a result, but also way too many people… so they’ve taken the jobs.

  15. Small-Wedding3031 on

    The growth is marginal and closer to zero, but since is not negative technically you can’t call it recession, but in practicality, it is.

  16. Asleep_Artist_7738 on

    Oh, there’s jobs alright. Just companies using LMIA programs and not hiring Canadians already here.

  17. No-Wonder1139 on

    It’s nice that CEO’s and real estate speculators have made off like bandits but none else dodged a recession.

  18. Anyone else who lives in a small town have the complete opposite experience? I see all these articles about how hard it is to find work but locally it’s job ads everywhere, businesses struggling to hire.

  19. Soggy_Moment9454 on

    AI is taking over quickly. There are very few jobs out there anymore. Too many people, not enough low skilled jobs

  20. the_meaty_sauce on

    We didn’t dodge a recession. Were actively in one. It’s just nobody wants to admit it.

  21. BruceNorris482 on

    I have about 2 million reasons Canadians are having trouble getting jobs.

  22. Glacial_Shield_W on

    Who says we missed a recession. All the signs are there, but we are being told there isn’t one. Maybe the reason ‘all the symptoms of a recession exist’ is because… oh… I don’t know… we are in a f@cking recession. How stupid do they think people are?

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