Rudy Giulianis Verbündeter in der Ukraine kandidiert in Russland für ein Amt


  1. By Brendan Cole – Senior News Reporter:

    A former Ukrainian MP who was accused of trying to harm the 2020 U.S. presidential bid of Joe Biden is seeking political office in Russia, it has been reported.

    Andriy Derkach, who fled Ukraine for Russia, has become a candidate in the Astrakhan region for the Russian Federation Council, state news agency Tass reported.

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  2. Beginning-Ad-9733 on

    Rudy doesnt have “allies” – he has dudes that pour Sterno into dog-dishes so he can drink while he’s incoherently rolling around on the floor.

    Fucking drunk

  3. Giuliani entangled in Russian organized crime, which operates there under the name of government. Hard to call it news anymore

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