[OC] Stellen Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Datensatz

Von joserodolfof

1 Comment

  1. joserodolfof on

    Hi everyone!

    I’m excited to share with the community this AI-powered data table.
    This demo allows you to easily analyze and query the Olympic medal data set using AI, providing answers directly to your table without sharing your dataset.

    The dataset contains information on medals awarded at the Olympics from 1896 up to 2022, including both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

    This collection is meant to allow you to explore the rich history of Olympic achievements, but the system can work with any dataset

    The experience with tables works better on big screens, but we tried to solve most of the challenges to make it work on mobile phones as well. Hopefully, you will enjoy it!

    **What’s the feature?**

    This AI-driven data grid allows you to ask questions directly to the data. For example, you can ask, “Who won the most gold medals this century?” and instantly get a clear, accurate answer displayed on the data table.

    **How can you support the initiative?**

    I’m looking for people interested in data to try out this new feature and provide feedback. Your insights will help us improve and refine the tool to make it as helpful as possible to everyone.


    1. **Use the feature:** Ask various questions about Olympic medals (up to 2022).
    2. **Provide feedback:** Please share your experience through a short survey (or in the comments section).
    3. **Share suggestions:** Also please share how to improve the feature to better meet your needs.

    **Interested in participating?**

    * Application: [https://olympicsdatagenie.mui.com/](https://olympicsdatagenie.mui.com/)
    * Survey: [https://tally.so/r/nW016a](https://tally.so/r/nW016a)

    Thank you for your time and support. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

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