GOLDSTEIN: Durchschnittlicher Kanadier zahlt laut Bericht mehr Steuern als für das Nötigste


  1. Baulderdash77 on

    TL/DR: The average Canadian family last year spent more of its income on all forms of taxation (43%) than on basic necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing combined (35.6%). The study included federal, municipal and provincial taxes.

  2. UnionGuyCanada on

    Average, even though low wage earners pay no tax. The ultra rich are making so much money they are dragging the average up, then having their media put out articles trying to convince you to cut their taxes, so they can make even more. Then, with less tax income, they can force privatization of even more public services and make even more money off our misery.

      Tax the rich or we all work until we die.

  3. This-Question-1351 on

    Trudeau’s tax and spend policies are of course the root cause of the tax woes of productive Canadians. This policy, coupled with his mass immigration policy, is leading to mass emigration of the smartest and most ambitious Canadians.

  4. logopolis01 on

    Interesting how the last paragraph of the article acknowledges that Fraser Institute’s calculations used for the first part of the article are misleading:

    “Critics of how the Fraser Institute makes its calculations say its use of average incomes instead of median family incomes inflates the amount of money families pay in taxes, that it includes taxes paid by businesses as if they were paid by families and fails to calculate the benefits taxpayers receive from hospitals, schools and other public infrastructure.”

  5. Hey, guess what? Health care, roads, education, waste management, social assistance are all necessities. 

    These trash peddlers at american-owned Post Media want you to think all of your tax dollars are wasted and you’d do better in a neocon/ libertarian society. 

  6. Well when your government turns us into a nation of tax slaves to pay for his insane immigration and plane rides this sounds about right

  7. Which I wouldn’t mind if I got what I was paying for, but considering people are dying because they can’t get life-saving surgery in time, and a trip to the ER is at least six hours before you see a doctor, I’m not sure what I’m paying for.

    I guess that money is going to pay for the liberals to take five years to figure out how to take my guns away.

  8. FeelingGate8 on

    Be careful, facts get you labelled as a not so nice person by today’s federal government.

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