Aufnahmen von PSNI-Beamten, die den Sieg von Armagh GAA feiern, führen zu Beschwerden von Gewerkschaftern

Von No_Performance_6289


  1. BigDrummerGorilla on

    In a reasonable, well functioning country it would be called furthering positive community relations.

  2. Acceptable_Feed7004 on

    “How dare those police officers wave orange flags!” – Unionists

  3. bigdog94_10 on

    Would they ever get fucked. There’s a vibrant GAA community in the PSNI, as well as a PSNI GAA club. They aren’t a unionist enforcing presence anymore, those days are gone. They’ll have a lot of work ahead of them this week policing celebrations and homecoming and they’re absolutely entitled and more than welcome to join in the fun as well.

    Unionists never change. Heads like bags of shite.

  4. It seems to not matter how increasingly conciliatory nationalist in NI are becoming, you’ll always have to deal with these craicless, bigoted jowly cunts trying to make everyone equally miserable.

  5. glockenschpellingbee on

    Ah Unionism, will you not go 5 minutes without embarrassing yourself.

  6. The worst thing about reunification would be having to share a country with these bitter, miserable old fossils.

    No culture but the hatred of ours.

  7. johnfuckingtravolta on

    They wear their favourite colour and all. Could at least try be happy

  8. cjamcmahon1 on

    honest question: how many people from a PUL background in NI are GAA members or players? Is it a a tangible number or none at all?

  9. System_Web on

    Sam Maguire himself was a Protestant…there’s loads of lads both sides of the community play GAA for years and years now…

  10. outhouse_steakhouse on

    Next we’ll have Arlene Foster complaining that St. Patrick’s Day is too Irish… oh wait, that already happened.

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