Ich habe ein Bild eines übertriebenen und mineralischen Mondes erstellt, basierend auf meinen eigenen Bildern und NASA LOLA-Daten [OC]



  1. _ibatullin_ildar_ on

    That picture allows you to see not only the dependence of color on the rock, but also the dependence on the height of the relief. It can be seen that lowlands are seas consisting of solidified basalt lava, which have a dark saturated color (the color is determined by variations in the content of iron oxide and titanium oxide), and elevations are light minerals (white, beige, light blue). Relatively fresh highlands or craters are white or light blue on this render.
    Created in Blender, post-processed in Adobe Photoshop.

    [My surface map created to make this image.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C9VolwSsvhk/?img_index=4)

  2. SchleifmittelSchwanz on

    If that were Earth, the ISS wouldn’t clear those mountains…

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