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If Andrew Perez cares so much he should leave the party and start a new one.
Worth noting, it’s a big deal when a die hard Liberal party member posts a scathing opinion about the state of the party they support.
Yes it hads …vote con…..and get your PAL
The cracks in the facade have gotten so large that you can see the incompetent and unethical insude core as clear as day.
I’d love to gloat, and say you’re about 3 years behind the curve, but I won’t.
I’ll simply say, “Better late than never, and welcome to the fight.”
I know it’s controversial, but, if you hadn’t realized it beforehand, his government’s response to covid should have sealed it.
We’re about 4 years late on this revelation. I used to only vote NDP, both parties need to be gutted top to bottom; corrupt all the way down. CPC isn’t a glowing beacon – but you have to remember:
Here in Canada, we don’t vote prime ministers in – we vote them out. Trudeau has had his time, he can go back to his Laurentian life without Canadians, and we’ll all be better off for it
If you’re voting for the liberals ever again, you’re definitely out of touch with reality imho
Like his father before him, it’ll take us 15 years to clean up the mess he’s left.
Former LPC voter here. Never again.
I think at this point, to say otherwise shows a lack of comprehension of politics and reality in general.
I am tired of the current liberal leadership but I hate the Country conservative policies and the NDP has no chance of winning. So what to do?
What liberal party members/voters wanted:
-Legal weed
-Electoral reform
-Middle class tax cuts
-Universal pharmacare
-Universal dental care
What they got:
-Legal weed
-World’s worst ‘nanny’ laws
-A population trap
-Housing and homelessness crisis
I was a conservative for my whole life. Then Steven Harper came along and the ghouls took over the party and continue to appeal to the mouth breathers in this country
No horse in the race, but when everyone thinks you’re wrong is exactly when to think maybe everyone is crazy
Remember Mulroney lost everything but now has a 90% approval. Trudeau might end up the same. Be careful what you wish for. If climate change ends up being bad years or decades for now and he is the only leader who had the guts to stand his ground he could be known for legalizing weed, fighting climate change, shoring up international relations and beating convoy. If future leaders are incompetent, he could end up with a massive legacy like Mulroney.
Mulroney too was anti-populist (pro-free trade and pro-immigration)
Not a massive fan but another minority government with a ton of pressure to deliver is the best way forward. They’ve done more in the last year than they did in the previous five combined
Virtue signalling isn’t “well meaning”. It’s a way to silence legitimate arguments by the people they’re supposed to be representing (ie Canadians)