Zwei russische Kriegstouristen fuhren über eine Mine. „Wo ist die Mine? Da! Diese runde? Ja. Ich habe sie nur umgekickt!“


  1. Splint33333 on

    So, they see a mined path, with a burning vehicle.
    They see two other mines on the path.
    Proceed to drive on the mined path.

    Who coud have predicted this

  2. Tight_Dimension5697 on

    Lmfao it really is facinating how the ruski ‘brain’ works

  3. My_cat_is_a_creep on

    Well I guess the “war tourists” got some of what they were looking for…

  4. This video just go from stupid, to crazy stupid, to idiotic until “fuck us in the ass”-we-are-stupid

    It’s crazy.

    I have no idea how this got uploaded

  5. Zealousideal-Menu276 on

    – There is a mine!
    – Where?
    – There!
    – That round one?
    – Yes
    – Oh see it now

  6. Aggravating_Type_151 on

    Explosion is fake, this explosion video effect was used in many other vids (often in humorous vids)

  7. ZealousidealPast6971 on

    this war brings so many freaking videos, another one for TOP25

  8. manntisstoboggan on

    The years of alcohol abuse has subsequently rendered so many of them useless. It’s bloody fantastic to see

  9. hanatarashi_ on

    And to this day Gerzach’s friend is still not sure if that was indeed a mine.

  10. Damnit Kirzach, quit kicking those mines and get back in the car so we can run them over 

  11. How can you be that dumb and go the same road that CLEARLY has mines ?!
    Level of dumbness: ruzzian ruskiy dumb

  12. even the tourists are neutralizing mines! 😂 Russian stupidity at it’s finest

  13. kayzerkimmie on

    Wonder how that “civilization” got here. Fucking miracle. Now let’s put a stop to that.

  14. Gullenecro on

    Darwin at his finest. They are probably soldier? tourist cant be enough stupid to try to go throught a minefield with a burning vehicle lol?

  15. Dizzy_Point_3396 on

    One of the best and dumbest things I have seen for a while! Did they hit that mine with a stick or what?

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