[OC] Todesfälle von Kämpfern in konventionellen Kriegen 1800–2011. https://ourworldindata.org/war-and-peace

Von Upbeat-Confidence-24


  1. SydowJones on

    Since you claim this is [OC] original content, does that mean you are Bastian Herre, Lucas Rodés-Guirao, Max Roser, Joe Hasell, Bobbie Macdonald, or a person working for one of the people to whom the source page is attributed?

  2. Why doesn’t it show the Taiping rebellion in the mid 19th century?

    There are no accurate casualty counts but total deaths are estimated around 20 – 30 million. While most of them were due to famine and plague, there should also be significant combat casualties.

  3. I thought the Congo wars had massive casualties. I guess it was mostly civilian casualties.

  4. finally_heree on

    Could be interesting to view instead in the percentage of world population. The world population changes over time, but e.g. the beginning could be used

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