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Please inform Indian students. Thanks
Wow, 30 upvotes in only a couple of minutes?
Almost as if there is an army of bots at the ready…
That’s fine, we only want the ones who are willing to be stuffed 5 people per bedroom anyways.
Take me back to the time when international students meant rich kids flexing the latest designer and ripping around streets in lambos
Canada kept claiming that China is the world’s enemy. Of course people wanted to think twice before coming here.
It is what it is, no big news here.
We are out of IPs to steal anyway.
Dam that’s a shame…anyways..
Now, if only people from a certain sub continent would develop the same attitude…
Well, they’re not wrong.
That’s ok more room for Canadiens. No need to give education to ppl who aren’t going to stay here
China is sci-fi world now, why would any of them want to come to Canada?
There will predictably be many cheerful comments on this post here. But that’s the wrong way to take it. This is bad news. Here’s why:
This does not change the *number* of international students coming to Canada. If the Chinese are passing out, someone else is taking their place. The Chinese are some of the most successful groups of people in Canada. They’re less likely to overstay their visa or go on welfare. They’re more likely to be genuine students since they have less to gain from escaping China which is already a middle-income country.
We have a systemic issue in this country when it comes to immigration. It’s not a Chinese/Indian problem. It’s a Canadian problem that needs fixing urgently.
I mean if you can get into Peking or Tsinghua I’m not sure what the appeal of Canadian programs are. Maybe some CS and Eng programs at UW are still worth it but your RMB goes a lot further domestically.
If you’re looking to leave for good, the Ivy league and Oxbridge is more competitive than what we can offer generally.
No loss.
That’s accurate lol
Yeah, I guess I can see how guaranteed human rights and no prison camps can get boring. These students I tell you, always looking for the cheapest places to party.
Likely the foreign buyer ban means they’re looking elsewhere for places to offshore wealth.
Good News!!!
This was better that the current scams
Many Chinese international students can study abroad because they have savings and scholarships. The current wave of Indian students has to take out loans to go overseas, which is why they are more keen to work than Chinese students. However, those Chinese students bought many houses in Canada to park their family money since it is safer to store wealth in Canada than in China.
Can confirm – much less Chinese students coming over. Canada has a terrible reputation for the middle class and wealthy Chinese. All the costs of living in the U.S. with none of the prestige of going to a highly ranked college in the U.S. It’s terrible how the international student program went from attracting high quality students who would contribute to Canada’s economy to a rotating crop of low skill, unproductive workers.
Insane we don’t want bright talent students going to top universities, but we are okay with degree mills and immigration scams? We would rather have 200k studying kitchen prep or hotel management at a strip mall, and than seeking refugee status and milking the system
I thought we weren’t issuing student visas to Chinese nationals at the moment.
Send them and every single immigrant back home:)