Anonymer Online-Mann „Himasora Akane“ muss 220 Millionen Yen an die Selbsthilfegruppe für junge Mädchen Colabo wegen Verleumdung zahlen

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  1. Shiningc00 on


    >The Tokyo District Court (presided over by Koichiro Nishimura) ruled on January 18 that the girls’ support group “Colabo” and its representative, Yumeno Nito, sought compensation from a man who calls himself “Himasora Akane” on the Internet, claiming that they were defamed by a post on the blog site “”. According to the ruling, the man was ordered to pay 2,20,000 yen in compensation and to delete his postings.

    >According to the ruling, in 2022, the man posted on []( saying, “They make teenage girls live in cramped quarters to receive welfare benefits, and collect 65,000 yen each every month”.

    >The judgment pointed out that the content of the postings created the impression that the group was putting the women who were in need of financial support in cramped quarters and in a poor living condition, and that the plaintiff’s social reputation had been damaged. Since there was no exact evidence that the content of the post was true, the court concluded that “the post was not factual and there was no reasonable ground for believing it to be true” and found the plaintiff guilty of defamation. The amount of compensation was calculated based on the estimated loss of business income and mental anguish suffered by Ms. Nito as a result of the postings. After the verdict, Mr. Nito said, “I am relieved that such a verdict was reached. I am glad that the court found that the defendant’s postings were not true”. (Yuto Yoneda)

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