Lehrer erhielt 150.000 Pfund, nachdem er von einem Schüler einen Kopfstoß erlitten hatte


Von Easymodelife


  1. Quality rage bait headline by Sky, “given”… yeah, compensated for unfair dismissal (illegal), failure of the school management to properly handle risks, and so on

  2. PixelizedPlayer on

    The pupil should pay for it out of their wages when they get their first job.

  3. Easymodelife on

    The teacher should sue the pupil’s parents as well, assuming they have any assets worth taking.

  4. 2Reykjavik on

    I have 5 boys in my y11 form who are all much larger than me and pick collect detentions like they’re going out of fashion. I’ve challenged them twice and both times have ended in threats.
    I’ve requested they be broken up into different forms until the end of exams but the school isn’t prepared to sort that out. I’ve said if this ends in an altercation I will be pressing charges and the behavior manager literally laughed.

  5. HorseFacedDipShit on

    I have a feeling if payouts like this kept happening schools would do a much better job cracking down on this sort of behaviour

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