Verluste des russischen Militärs bis 29.3.2024



  1. Beneficial-Spell6293 on

    another beautiful day for the Russian fighters. Hopefully the F16 will arrive very soon to make the numbers higher and higher in the summer. and perhaps even surprise Moscow

  2. I guess they don’t count Russian air force aircraft downed by Russian air defenses?

  3. hurtigloeberen on

    I am amazed by all the logistics vehicles that also get destroyed. Russia must have cleaner air

  4. CaptainSur on

    I like the drilling down on enemy SAM systems as well as the continued strikes on special equipment (often surveillance systems). I think one of the goals is to do as much as possible to clear the air so that Ukraine aviation can make more forays closer to the front lines.

  5. Listelmacher on

    About helicopters.
    Recently I have read an article at “Govorit Moskva” and I thought “Ups, no Kamov”:

    “Vladimir Putin called it difficult to control a helicopter
    23:40 March 27, 2024

    The head of state today visited the 344th State Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.
    There he examined the Mi-28 and Mi-8 attack helicopters …”

    So the structure of the statement is wrong for propaganda, because the Mi-8 is not really an attack helicopter, while the Mi-28 is.
    And I also had a look at the Wikipedia article of the “344-й Центр …”
    There is Ka-50 and Ka-52 listed.
    Hm, why don’t they show off the Kamovs when the big nachalnik makes a visit?
    Who knows, maybe they have lost the instructors … somewhere 🙂

  6. If you showed these numbers to anyone in 2019, they’d be asking “How far into Russia did that invasion go?” The idea that Moscow would voluntarily throw away this much of its total military potential on a war of choice that they could walk away from at any time is insane… and yet, on they go. Keep taking out that artillery and sooner or later there’ll be a stretch of front where Moscow can’t stop a force from getting through the minefields…

  7. Does the SU35/SU37 crash in Crimea not count due to being friendly fire?

    *Whats absurd though is they have hit 440K military casualties. Not counting unaccounted for deaths and injuries that remove the soldier from combat. IE amputations and the like. Yet they want to draft another 100-500k. It’s absolute madness.

  8. Boeing-777x on

    Damn Russia has lost so many tanks that them nearly running out of tanks completely might become a reality sometime hopefully soon. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

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