Dänemark gibt 100 Millionen Dollar aus, um seine Bürger zu einer pflanzlichen Ernährung zu bewegen – doch die Wirtschaft ist immer noch stark auf Schweinefleisch- und Milchexporte angewiesen.


Von James_Fortis


  1. Så staten bruger mine penge på at modarbejde mine interesser, på grund af en overtro på at vegetariske eller veganske diaæter er mere miljøvenlige eller sunde. Fedt.

  2. James_Fortis on

    “Over the years, Danes’ meat-heavy appetites have contributed to increasing the country’s [carbon emissions](https://pub.norden.org/nord2024-007/2-food-consumption-in-the-nordic-countries.html). The average person in Denmark consumes nearly three times the recommended amount of red meat (that’s only slightly [less than the U.S.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231201-denmark-the-major-meat-producer-switching-to-a-plant-based-diet)), which has been found to use [significantly more](https://gfi.org/resource/environmental-impacts-of-alternative-proteins/) land while releasing more greenhouse gases.

    So, to slash its carbon footprint and transform its agriculture, Denmark has adopted a slew of innovative measures geared toward a plant-based diet—from government strategies to plant-based funds.

    The country tweaked its dietary guidelines to include less meat in a week and launched an Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods in October, aimed at increasing the production and consumption of plant-based (or vegan) diets. The Danish government offers a [grant worth DKK 675](https://investindk.com/insights/new-danish-government-strategies-support-the-green-transitionhttps://investindk.com/insights/new-danish-government-strategies-support-the-green-transition) million ($97 million) in subsidies to bring innovative projects promoting a “green economy” to life.

    The government calls these strategies the “future” as they will eventually improve overall health and fight climate change.”

  3. MarzipanLeft2803 on

    Det er vist en ekstrem tilsnigelse, at sige at vores økonomi afhænger af det.

  4. RememberTFTC on

    “Stubbornly reliant on pork and dairy exports”

    Is that article from the 50’s?

  5. det_fede_stankelben on

    Spiste i fredags en stor og lækker bœuf af kornfodret Sort Angus, med sauce bearnaise, pommes frites og champignons confits.

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